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The Study on D.R.C.-A collections of text editions (紅樓夢研究資料庫-文本篇)

The highly valued Chinese classic—the Dream of the Red Chamber have inspired many readers and scholars to study its connotations in literature, art, philosophy and aesthetics. In 1917, the famous scholar Hu Shih published “the Textual Research on the Dream of the Red Chamber”, and in the article, he carefully examined the author, the context and the editions of the work, and started the new era of studies on the Dream of the Red Chamber. From then on, the comparisons of different editions of the Dream of the Red Chamber become an essential part of the related researches. 

     Transmissions Books & Microinfo has the honor to work with Beijing Library Press and other renowned publishers to republish important editions of the Dream of the Red Chamber in the e-book format. Transmission uses the state-of-the-art e-book technology to replicate the print version, and gives the traditional classic a new life in the digital era.