The British Pharmacopoeia
The British Pharmacopoeia(BP)《英國藥典》是英國藥劑和藥用物質的權威標準集錄,也是藥品品質控制、藥品生產授權管理的重要依據。在英國藥品與保健品管理局主持下編纂,是英國國內任何與藥品和獸藥研究、開發、製造有關的活動的官方參考。該藥典囊括了許多有價值醫學專題論文,其中也包含了醫學新論。《英國藥典》每年持續更新,在商業和學術界同時具有極高的國際聲譽,目前為止有超過100個國家採用。
¨ general notices (providing general information applicable to all texts)
¨ general monographs (apply to all dosage forms)
¨ specific monographs providing mandatory standards for
¤ active pharmaceutical ingredients
¤ Excipients
¤ formulated preparations (licensed and unlicensed products)
¤ herbal drugs, herbal drug products and herbal medicinal products
¤ materials for use in the manufacture of homoeopathic preparations
¤ blood-related products
¤ immunological products
¤ radiopharmaceutical preparations
¨ infrared reference spectra
¨ appendices
¨ supplementary chapters (providing additional guidance)
¨ comprehensive index